Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mammal Respiration In Cold Vs Warm

Amelie Cousineau - Montreal Wedding Photographer
Amelie Cousineau is a talented photographer who lives in Montreal ... I discovered his blog recently, and his articles have been: good idea, because his last will delight you! But this article reflects my passions and interests of the moment: photography, wed'blogging and Montreal (where my brother went to study for 6 months).
Here's the basic idea of this photo shoot told by Amelia.
"When I was given carte blanche and that most people say to me that I am not mind dirty my dress. Then there is paradise. It's not that mess dress is a must ... Rather than hiding behind the phrase full of innuendo. This phrase means: I trust you 100%, I know that no matter what we will do, it'll be worth it and I'm ready to have a dress to get dirty original photos and overflowing with creativity. To me it means everything ... it also means long day in sight.
With Jenny & Ben, we worked hard on developing concepts to exploit the wedding day. [...] The whole idea is: Let's make "Montreal" and it has to be original. "For me Montreal is (among others) the construction everywhere," said Jenny. Hmmmm ... OK ... "
The result is magnificent: combining originality, complicity between the couple and brightness of colors: bravo!
Amelie Cousineau - Montreal Wedding Photographer
Amelie Cousineau - Montreal Wedding Photographer

Amelie Cousineau - Montreal Wedding Photographer