Monday, December 13, 2010

Can I Play Pokemon On The Wii

but thought the book unique?

I had the pleasure to answer some pertinent questions Terrat Stella, for his blog Cogite Vita, a company specializing in the marketing of digital media works on development sustainable.


"VitaCogita: Globalisation, single and thinking bestsellers versus cultural diversity, mirage or reality ?

LS: The digital technology in general and Internet in particular will certainly bring us into a new era. They are doing it. That said it is somewhere as tools. What shall we do? How will we use? These are weapons that never declared war, but men!
course, taking a step back, we see that the book market fell right into the trap of the society of spectacle and now in the mainstream culture. The book world has financialised and with the passage of the print edition to the digital edition the book will become a fully fledged media and probably drag (almost) entirely in the hands and wallets of the entertainment industries. But on the other hand, it is indisputable that we've all some flexibility, innovation, creativity, and in any case the possibility to enter and use the tools of digital, some are free. Fan fiction and machinima attest. The digitalization of publishing may also promote bibliodiversity.
For developing countries the shift from print edition a digital edition can open up real opportunities, with a revival of national languages in comparison with those of former colonizers. Which, by association of ideas, makes me ask: what about the French-speaking face of this "world literature" you mention?
What is the most symptomatic, however, the single thought in my opinion, is particularly Germanopratins, while books and reading are changing, the near absence of structures (paper) on these subjects!

The bookseller is it the weak link in the chain the book? Can it really mutate in the digital world while providing a response to readers, anchored in the area?
[...] What do you think of techno-commercial rents prescribers today (such as Apple, Amazon, Fnacbook ...)? The player is not he taken hostage by becoming a consumer box?
The strategy of the U.S. giant Google for your eBook it appears more open to all players in the book industry?

LS: A priori not. We basically, despite all the analysis that limited visibility to the purposes of developing Google's hegemony. [...] I ask myself the question: will Google does the Tower of Babel of the third millennium?

Do you think that digital and new uses (reading lights, shelves ...) can enhance literacy, learning or training?
To finish and to discuss practice, the testimony of an expert: Do you a reading lamp or a shelf reading? How do you use? Your impressions?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How A Dunk Tank Works

Train and inform the market of digital books Why read

I am pleased yesterday to intervene during this academic year with student (s) Grade 5 s ECOND cycle management of cultural projects [ ESART 2 - Digital Edition] EAC Group of .
The theme of my response is: book market and the emergence of new digital business models , and will be declined according to the following:

- Market developments Book,
- Emergence of a digital book market,
- Business development of digital publishing
- Marketing the e-book and intelligence.

train and inform professionals of tomorrow!

A vector digitizing of publishing, the book market changes in depth. So it is capital, not only form, but also to inform , both working professionals today that the future professionals of the book, but still, all those who are or may soon play active roles in the book market (digital or not), the Over the next few years.
C is why this first collaboration with ABC-Paris gives me great satisfaction and I am listening to all educational institutions or training, aware of current issues transformations of the book and its market.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pokemon Silver Check List

vs. technological fate of reading

With acuity and not without humor, Charles Danzig, already the author, inter alia, a "selfish Dictionary of French literature," comes to publish again Grasset, an album titled: "Why read?"
The book tackles some lines between issues that concern us here and now, especially in a few pages of chapter entitled Read on anything other than paper volumes (pp. 230-232). If
tip just asking the question: "The Code of Hammurabi was it harder because it was of stone?" Charles Danzig can not help but finish the whole of his essay on apocalyptic tone, Seeing in the destiny of reading a technological triumph of the screens.
The end makes me wonder, makes me rethink what I wrote myself a few days ago about the novel of Orwell (1984): " The futuristic novel 1984, not 1984 that called because Orwell wrote in 1948. In view of the transformations that we live or where we can be direct or indirect witnesses, I wonder if this very seriously cons-utopia (dystopia) would not prescient (?). On the to-come. In 2984? I always read "1984" George Orwell's thinking about "Fahrenheit 451 "(1953) by Ray Bradbury. (And I intend to reread" The Messenger "by Eric-Bürckel Blessing).. "

The enigmatic final book of Danzig

" And when the subject of paper is gone, painful to the satisfaction of the landmarks that will say I predicted, we reply: So what? We no longer read the rolls of Rome, few scholars know they existed, and Roman literature remains, in part. More blacks than these landmarks, we say that computerization will better the powerful, which may store the humanity in ever-smaller apartments, as more libraries need and everything in iPad, and that one day when all this will be reduced to a tiny red dot, it will blink feverishly, then gasping less,
extinguished. "
[I respect the layout ;-)]
Danzig And to conclude:
" Do more reading, humanity will be reduced to natural state among animals. The universal tyrant, uneducated, friendly, gentle smile on the color screen that will top the earth . "
In 2984? Prospective

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Free Four Seasons Sheet Music

From first word to last book

The history of reading and book history naturally flow from those of the writing and writing [ Adventure writings] as naturally as the consequence of the acquisition of articulate speech, and the history of languages [ The origins of language ].

L the current paperless book, as container, and volatility, as its content, question this past founder (at least in the sense that I understand the prospective book publishing and where I feel the civilizational issues).

The first word
With the elegance and sensibility of his writing, Vassilis Alexakis explores in his novel "The first word" (Editions Stock, August 2010) the different facets and scientific hypotheses on these questions of the appearance of language and a common language original hypothetical.
So what was the first word?
A book I recommend reading ;-)
