Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Wedding Crashers this summer?

10 reasons to squat weddings this summer

  1. It's been 23 years since you did not go to church.
  2. A wedding is gratos (good, to the train, the hotel and rental car).
  3. is scientifically proven: at a wedding, we are more emotionally available ... so you have more chance of meeting someone. You are a couple ... so what?
  4. Marriage = occasionally or not to finally put your cocktail dress that cost Small 295 euros and that still has its label
  5. With a little luck you will end up well by catching the damn bridal bouquet.
  6. You worship projections shameful pictures ... and there are enough to supply your folders on your friends for the next 25 years.
  7. At the end of a marriage, there is always a boy who shows his ass stuffed. It's stupid but it always makes you giggle.
  8. You hate témouine (witness the bride) and Rejoice secretly waiting for her fair speech.
  9. Marriage is the best friend man (oh no that's the dog).
  10. A wedding is a simple equation: good food + alcohol + good mood. Basically, you eat too much, too much booze but you (normally) you tired. Banco.
I'll add a 11th: because we love all marriages, right?
What do you other reasons to add? Leave your comments ...


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