Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bumps When I Grow Facial Hair

wedbloggeurs also the heart

Nothing can beat a good action to revive this blog (thank you Hellocoton ) Then follow the guide with this article published by " My navel and the rest " ...
"For the second time, Carrefour and Danone are mobilizing to the Restos du Coeur. What happens?
First, the traditional food gathering (and other ...). It will be held on March 4 and 5 coming in all stores Carrefour and Carrefour Market. The staff of these signs, Danone and Restos du Coeur are mobilizing in large numbers to retrieve gifts ... then it must give them work! [...]
Then, if you're blogger, you can help a little more. Everything is said there:
[...] Now it's your turn ...


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