Last January, Francois Bon has published in his own house,, a digital book entitled: AFTER THE BOOK , and accompanied in his presentation of the question, "what digital writing changed the destiny of the book and issues in literature?".
All this is crucial, in fact, we would be at a crossroads, perhaps, unless we have simply no choice?
What I'm trying to say here is that, personally (I mean: personally, because I think, and this appears to me quite clear from reading the book in question here, as François Bon is more familiar and more confident than me in the tools of information technology since it often ... "My first contact with computers dates back to the ENSAM, he writes, Glasgow in 1972: large facility with punch cards and Fortran "), what I want to express, therefore, is that in my case, I do not want that much, especially not this passage of print publishing to digital publishing, we live for at least 1971 and the launch of Project Gutenberg by Michael Hart (Francis would back him this much earlier I think, and I also sometimes when I start to think about the reading taken in a vast oceanic feeling of the language: Babel than the Library of Alexandria, glossolalia, et cetera).
This passage of print publishing to digital publishing, I do not particularly want as individual reader. (Which could bring me some form of ostracism from an island far removed from those tackled by Ulysses ... Back Ushant. Apple pandemic. Tweets itchy).
I do not particularly want, but it is certainly inevitable, simply because the world is constantly changing and, particularly, as force is today, in 2011, noted that the practices of reading (s) change too.
A book by a pioneer prospector
Reading practices are changing and I do not intend here to make an academic critique of this test (the aggregation of truth " posts ", notes," 36 "...) interpolations of Francis Good, but only to emphasize two points:
- First point: I am shocked by the lack of echoes, both on line in off-line, this book, published one month ago,
- Second point: j 'recommend it to any emergency, as I am personally convinced that it is as important today to read the book After , François Bon, read the book Apology by Robert Darnton.
That said ...
The new digital territories are certainly not an Eldorado . I do not believe it. History has taught us that these countries assumed to be full of mythical gold had carted as streams of blood and disillusionment.
But it may be a new west, a new Far West, at a time when our materialistic societies decline.
But again the Far West, New West, as I wrote recently aimed at librarians in "From the library to bibliosphère .
The collection of domain names as many concessions (in the sense of tracts of land sold to settlers to exploit them) attests. (Francis is not the begin using them alone, far from it!) There is, in this gargantuan appetite, something greedy, you get to the great scramble crossing from side to side " Oil! "by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg Editions, 2008).
Certainly, as François Bon writes: "we consider that even the term" book enriched "is superfluous, and that the experience of reading that we need to replace a world new." .
But we should we not first all work better and more, and all together in this universe new?
Readers can they work in a universe of nine reading?
A flow leaves less sediment
We all here, we really write the future of books, reading, or the read- We simply, we decipher the find us at As it is written, it is already oriented, driven largely by the lobbies and international cultural industries.
I have less of all these texts are written on the web, or are then aggregated into digital books could be printed, much less than my reading of novels, "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann course for those who know me, and most recently " 2017 " fabulous novel by Russian author Olga Slavnikova.
flows leave less sediment than good novels.
The oceanic feeling of the language will soon overtake and overwhelm the digital stream.
This is not about media is about relationships.
I do not think we are from the book.
We will enter Book. (One day).
(Reread The species myth-making, by Nancy Huston.)
We are at present still in an illusion (fostered by digital technology, perhaps more noticeable in a previous edited by Francois Bon trial already in always Digital prints, signed and Alain Pierrot Jean Sarzana, although I do not know absolutely if its authors share my views, my impressions rather ...). Prospective
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