Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Heather Brooke Heather Harmon

What library for Tomorrow?

I had this weekend pleasure to speak to The Express. Com in the context of an interview given to Elodie Bousquet:
opportunity to revisit my recent essay "From the library bibliosphère to: the impact of digital books to libraries and their evolution " published NumérikLivres (Collection Understanding Digital Book ) and explain precisely what I heard this concept from bibliosphère.


"Where are we with the French in libraries today?

LS: Libraries are experimenting ... but more often separately, without comprehensive plan coordinated. Some of the lending test bed jackets. I think this is especially relevant for librarians familiarize themselves with the new reading devices.

And Abroad ?
The first two libraries without books opened their doors last summer in the United States. It's a new way of designing the mission of libraries beyond their vocation heritage. One may wonder whether it is appropriate to go into a library to be at home, in front of his laptop. Yet, just go to those places to find [...]

Apart from these libraries without books, what can be considered as other changes?
The next decade will be very rich. The iPad will give us an overview of digital books increased the 21st century. The Internet of Things Augmented Reality with 3D, and artificial intelligence will converge and will be so many doors of communication between what is called the real and virtual, tangible and intangible. [...]

Is it somehow "the bibliosphère?
Yes, indeed. In my book what I call "bibliosphère" is the single library that weaves a web around the entire planet. This may remind Borges or Neal Stephenson, but Google Books.
With this convergence, on the one hand, the dematerialization of content and implementation networking of libraries, and secondly, equipment for people with new reading devices connected, we are moving towards an extension of the library field "hard".
I think they will evolve into what we might call "libraries-hub" at three levels: one physical, which we are accustomed, the second digital-only without a server of digitized texts - which would interface with the third level, that of the virtual library, as we begin to test in the metaverse.
For now we think of Second Life and we smiles. But one day Google Earth could somehow duplicate the physical world. With the Internet of Things and the development of augmented reality solutions, the porosity will be increasingly important between what we call, too easily, reality and virtuality. "

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does Waxing Cause Herpes Outbreak?

train and educate future professionals in the digital edition

is crucial and urgent to educate and inform future professionals in digital publishing.
It So armed with the certainty that I tested and recommended by the reports Open Day of School ESTEN [ Ecole Superieure des Techniques Digital Publishing ], the first college in France dedicated to the digital edition, and to be held Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Institut de Touraine in Tours Grandière a street.

Link invitation on Facebook ...

Also see on a subject close to my previous post: Train and inform the market of digital books ... Prospective

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where To Find Unprocessed Cocoa Powder

After the Book?

Last January, Francois Bon has published in his own house, Publie.net, a digital book entitled: AFTER THE BOOK , and accompanied in his presentation of the question, "what digital writing changed the destiny of the book and issues in literature?".

All this is crucial, in fact, we would be at a crossroads, perhaps, unless we have simply no choice?
What I'm trying to say here is that, personally (I mean: personally, because I think, and this appears to me quite clear from reading the book in question here, as François Bon is more familiar and more confident than me in the tools of information technology since it often ... "My first contact with computers dates back to the ENSAM, he writes, Glasgow in 1972: large facility with punch cards and Fortran "), what I want to express, therefore, is that in my case, I do not want that much, especially not this passage of print publishing to digital publishing, we live for at least 1971 and the launch of Project Gutenberg by Michael Hart (Francis would back him this much earlier I think, and I also sometimes when I start to think about the reading taken in a vast oceanic feeling of the language: Babel than the Library of Alexandria, glossolalia, et cetera).
This passage of print publishing to digital publishing, I do not particularly want as individual reader. (Which could bring me some form of ostracism from an island far removed from those tackled by Ulysses ... Back Ushant. Apple pandemic. Tweets itchy).
I do not particularly want, but it is certainly inevitable, simply because the world is constantly changing and, particularly, as force is today, in 2011, noted that the practices of reading (s) change too.

A book by a pioneer prospector

Reading practices are changing and I do not intend here to make an academic critique of this test (the aggregation of truth " posts ", notes," 36 "...) interpolations of Francis Good, but only to emphasize two points:
- First point: I am shocked by the lack of echoes, both on line in off-line, this book, published one month ago,
- Second point: j 'recommend it to any emergency, as I am personally convinced that it is as important today to read the book After , François Bon, read the book Apology by Robert Darnton.

That said ...
The new digital territories are certainly not an Eldorado . I do not believe it. History has taught us that these countries assumed to be full of mythical gold had carted as streams of blood and disillusionment.
But it may be a new west, a new Far West, at a time when our materialistic societies decline.
But again the Far West, New West, as I wrote recently aimed at librarians in "From the library to bibliosphère .
The collection of domain names as many concessions (in the sense of tracts of land sold to settlers to exploit them) attests. (Francis is not the begin using them alone, far from it!) There is, in this gargantuan appetite, something greedy, you get to the great scramble crossing from side to side " Oil! "by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg Editions, 2008).
Certainly, as François Bon writes: "we consider that even the term" book enriched "is superfluous, and that the experience of reading that we need to replace a world new." .
But we should we not first all work better and more, and all together in this universe new?
Readers can they work in a universe of nine reading?

A flow leaves less sediment
We all here, we really write the future of books, reading, or the read- We simply, we decipher the find us at As it is written, it is already oriented, driven largely by the lobbies and international cultural industries.
I have less of all these texts are written on the web, or are then aggregated into digital books could be printed, much less than my reading of novels, "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann course for those who know me, and most recently " 2017 " fabulous novel by Russian author Olga Slavnikova.

flows leave less sediment than good novels.
The oceanic feeling of the language will soon overtake and overwhelm the digital stream.
This is not about media is about relationships.

I do not think we are from the book.
We will enter Book. (One day).
(Reread The species myth-making, by Nancy Huston.)

We are at present still in an illusion (fostered by digital technology, perhaps more noticeable in a previous edited by Francois Bon trial already in Publie.net always Digital prints, signed and Alain Pierrot Jean Sarzana, although I do not know absolutely if its authors share my views, my impressions rather ...). Prospective

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bumps When I Grow Facial Hair

wedbloggeurs also the heart

Nothing can beat a good action to revive this blog (thank you Hellocoton ) Then follow the guide with this article published by " My navel and the rest " ...
"For the second time, Carrefour and Danone are mobilizing to the Restos du Coeur. What happens?
First, the traditional food gathering (and other ...). It will be held on March 4 and 5 coming in all stores Carrefour and Carrefour Market. The staff of these signs, Danone and Restos du Coeur are mobilizing in large numbers to retrieve gifts ... then it must give them work! [...]
Then, if you're blogger, you can help a little more. Everything is said there:
[...] Now it's your turn ...

Does Cvs Sell Halloween Cosgtumes

Towards a Community of eBook

redistribution of roles in social networks could contribute to the formation of a new empire of letters ? On this subject see the text (of 2004) by Jean-Michel Billaut: Emperors vs Barbarians.
about exercise: what can now be applied to the passage of the printed edition to the digital edition?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bloating And Incontinance

the Library to the blackout tacit Bibliosphère explodes! Plays digital

my pleasure able to speak in the columns of Presseedition.fr ("The timeliness of the Media, Publishing and Communications") on my choice to be published in editions of 100% digital NumérikLivres, on the message that I I wanted to convey in my book "From the Library to Bibliosphère, the impact of digital books libraries and their evolution "and the new collection:" Understanding the Book Digital "including Jean-François Gayrard told me the direction, and, finally, what I think of reception which was reserved in my book.
All this answers four questions. Read here ...

Excerpts from the interview

"You've posted "From the Library Bibliosphère: the impact of digital books to libraries and their evolution ... "An editor at NumérikLivres French-Quebec 100% digital, why that choice?

Lorenzo Soccavo: This young house, founded in spring 2010 by Jean-François Gayrard Catalá and Gwen, well I think represents the attitudes of a new generation of a new way of design publishing .
A house, in this case between France and Québec, but whose employees may be scattered over the entire planet, that publishes books that natively digital with publishing agreements adapted, using social networks to promote, without DRM propels them at affordable prices (mine is at 1.99 €) and ensure both dissemination on major download platforms, their enjoy reading about major new reading devices, whether the electronic ink pads or the famous iPad, among others. A true multichannel MPT.
For an author, and an observer like me transition from print publishing to digital publishing precisely, it was an interesting experiment to try. When Jean-François Gayrard offered me this adventure and I said that we would François Bon friendship of a preface: I did not hesitate a second!

The future you imagine libraries in your book may appear somewhat futuristic. Do not you fear to offend the librarians?

Lorenzo Soccavo: Ultimately I guess pretty soon! With this new discipline that I am trying to promote: the foresight of books and publishing, the mutations that are going through the book and its market are systematically delivered in a historical perspective. To write this book, I relied on the one hand, the work of historians, on the other hand, the results of my work day.
few years ago when I said in lectures that we would one day be libraries without books, some thought I was crazy. But during the summer of 2010 two libraries without books were opened, Stanford, and San Antonio, Texas. When I write today that libraries will evolve into libraries at three levels-hub [...] when I say this now, Me are as reliable as when I announced the libraries without books.
The Internet of Things, augmented reality and artificial intelligence will truly make us move libraries to bibliosphère. These are precisely the ways that we are drawn I explore in "From the library to bibliosphère.

This book is the first of a collection whose editor Jean-Francois Gayrard gave you direction. What is it and how do you develop it?

Lorenzo Soccavo: This collection is named specifically: "Understanding the digital book. This indicates quite clearly I think his ambition, which is to explain and analyze the challenges and opportunities of digital publishing at all inter-actors of the book, broadly defined: authors, librarians, teachers, etc. ., are also involved, but all readers who simply want to try understand the impacts and challenges of the transition from print publishing to digital publishing . We believe
publish one title per month, except the hollow of the summer. The first to appear will address the social reading, comics digital textbooks and albums ... plus I also work with authors who will address other aspects of this portion of the printed edition to the digital edition: after the paper as, in effect: on what media we will read tomorrow? Or even on essential developments of the legal and copyright are no longer suitable.
This command works [...] That said, I remain open to all unsolicited proposals and any suggestions for topics. A companion blog was launched to support, maintain and develop online educational ambition of the collection.

The bulk of the book market remains focused on print publishing. Do not you think that's crippling? How in this context do you see the reception to your book?

Lorenzo Soccavo: slowly but irreversibly the market is tipping. Not because I like personally, it is not the case, but simply because the world is constantly changing and that reading practices are changing. I think it is important to take a clear position today. It is for me to inform capital on the future of books and reading. Unfortunately most publishers are hesitant to publish on these topics and mainstream media seem not to have yet aware of the issues. As experts and consultants, many are equally in immediacy. Often the most important for them is not changing reading practices with societal and cultural issues, but to hold good jobs, to sit on committees, to tell and sell to publishers what they are willing to pay.
The years 1971 with the launch of Project Gutenberg by Michael Hart in 2050 to say later, is at least as important as those called incunabula, early printed books on the period 1450-1500, or the decades of transition clay tablets to papyrus scrolls.
For true lovers of books and reading we live in a great time! And, like it or not, it is clear that Facebook and Twitter have exploded the blackout tacit around my book and the launch of this collection . "

Everyone is involved
QED! Also read besides the chronicle of Elizabeth Sutton: "From the library to Bibliosphère: a major ebook"
" The book is undergoing a revolution a profound transformation s' operates, inevitable. The publishers are changing, the booksellers are considering how to adapt, governments get involved. Everyone is involved, the reader to the author, the publisher to the printer, the graphic designer for the computer. The libraries are part of this transformation, often forgotten they nevertheless play a fundamental role in this upheaval.
Soccavo Lorenzo's book "From the Library to Bibliosphère" deals precisely with this subject libraries, public or community have a major role to play vis-à-vis the reader and in heritage conservation. Skills will change, the services offered to users as well. The approach to technology will have to be preempted in a different way ... " Prospective

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Betsey Johnson Diaper


Mission impossible last night to explain in ten minutes in a flu-like illness with a video projector and facetious The human adventure of reading, Homo habilis to Homo Fluxus in the context of the first sympathetic McData 2011, organized by the association Music and Digital Cultures at the House Steelworker (Paris 11e ).

Done symptomatic of the real challenge of current changes, there has been more a question of digital readings, than digital books.
I want to draw attention primarily on the work of the other two participants in this roundtable:

- Carole Lipsyc, author and director of development of Adreva (Association for Development accounts vary), creator of Story of the 3 spaces that can capture the "virtual literature.

"virtual literature does not refer, as one might think, books that are read on screens.

literature refers to stories designed virtual to exist in different forms.
Stories that can be simultaneously
- traditional printed books;
- books, interactive electronic (hypertext);
- facilities (labyrinths, books or citéLivres urban, multi-media exhibitions);
- games dispersants or "pervasive gaming" (games on horseback between reality and the internet). The book becomes
virtual because it can virtually be embodied in any medium. It is not virtual because he left space for paper and tangible to take refuge in a screen. [...] The book
is virtual because its texts are - in their order and their numbers - lend themselves to endless combinations. It is virtual because it is variable and "fractal" ... "

- Veronique Aubouy, designer Kiss of the Matrix , French and global experience of a film collective reading of" In Search of Lost Time "by Marcel Proust. Features.

From Homo habilis to Homo Fluxus

My presentation above makes imperfect account yet profound rewriting of our practices of reading and cultural and civilizational impact it will certainly.
We can already observe the first signs:
- A reading fragmentary corollary of an enriched reading: less linear, more broadly, beyond which the text opens the Multimedia ...
- A social reading, corollary of the development of social networks: annotated, shared, enriched by contributors writing readers with new mediations and new prescribers ...
- A reading connected, corollary of the development of cloud computing: streaming playback on the model of listening to music, reading pervasive.
But also, sometimes, reading synaesthetic , taken in the frame of augmented reality and artificial intelligence.
Internet of Things will one day (next) leverage surfaces and reading materials, anything that "may make book". The bibliography
natural primeval way, the men would like a return sense (as I would say: "like a flashback).

This post is a follow somewhere in the 25 January ( Plays Digitales - Institute of the University of Paris West Digital) and that of 30 January on Book in the metaverse (interesting to note that experiments stories and readings, so that Carole Lipsyc Aubouy Veronica, have already been received in Second Life by the Library team's Francophone Metaverse). Prospective

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vietnamese Wedding Couple Favors

Book in the Metaverse

I refer to the metaverse ("virtual" world) in my recent book just been published by Jean-François NumerikLivres Gayrard and Gwen Catala: the Library to Bibliosphère .

I am indeed always close the news of these spaces called in the near future to (con) fuse with the Web, television and 3D augmented reality.

So is it time, I think, that librarians (booksellers, too) and that the players of digital publishing invest themselves seriously.

So I recommend today to take the leap, to go see this beautiful exhibition of Jules Verne (prints, books to read and download, movies ...) on FrancoGrid (Francophone Free 3D Metaverse on the Simulator Open): JULES VERNE, THE INVENTOR OF IMAGINARY, given until February 28, 2011 by Claude Gohin Initiative.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Write A Volunteer Hours Letter

Apology Book by Robert Darnton

Like little gentlemen, to read this, might do the yellows, I immediately said here loud and clear that I recognize the importance of work and thought of Robert Darnton, a historian of the book recognized ( Specialist of the European Enlightenment and the history of the book under the Old Regime), and for some time director of the Harvard University Library.
This blog devoted to future books and publishing, is also (look at the top of your screen under his benevolent ;-) (do not doubt) stressed:

"Any attempt to probe the future while addressing the problems of this should be based, I believe, on the study of the past." Robert Darnton, Apology of the book tomorrow, today, yesterday, Gallimard ed., 2011.

Notwithstanding, I was disappointed by reading this book .
So why not say so?
This is certainly not apparent in the small germanopratiquement correct Landerneau that prides itself on making rain or shine, and lead us, as befits some on the beaten track for the 21st edition century.
But I'm not in the boot of these people.

A disappointment

Where does my disappointment?
simply because I am disappointed, I confess, I expected more for my part, this reading.
Basically, I found in the shape and style about the very American-centered, egocentric or at the limit.
While there is indeed bright breakthroughs that we refer to Febvre and Martin, and Darnton puts it in an interesting perspective, but the fact that it Whether there really not a test, designed and built as such, but an amalgam of texts previously published in The New York Review of Books, is, I find damaging.
I also find that Darnton talks a lot about him, his journey of its work in relation to American university libraries, and not necessarily in tune with a francophone context or the situation of libraries and French universities, for what I can learn. It
this perspective that I find "American centric, and the choice Editorial Gallimard who asks. For, indeed, who will buy and read this book, and that's going to understand something, and especially what? Mutations in this period of reading the book and its market.

Not only the U.S. and the world with what is currently playing in the transition from print publishing to digital publishing, Gallimard certainly could, or could, in addition to U.S. perspective, to find better information from their readers!
In France we have historians of the book, I think especially to Frederic Barbier among others ...
I really think that an objective compilation of texts of reflection that comes out of François Bon, in his own house Publie.net under the title "After the book" is a relevance and interest far beyond what Darnton, and read first (I publish a critical reading in a few days ...).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saturn Gem Must For Aquarians

Plays Digitales - Institute of Digital University of Paris West

I am pleased to participate in organizing the first meetings of the club "Digital Humanities and companies, which will be held Wednesday, March 23, 2011 on the theme of READING DIGITAL and enrolling in a series dedicated to digital consumption, conducted by the Institute of Digital University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense.

The Institute of Digital just launched its website dedicated and on this occasion I asked a few questions about the digitalization of publishing and its impact on reading ...

Live interview

" OuestDigital: Beyond the issue of industry structure that occupies the minds of course, we can expect substantial changes as able to read. Which do you consider most significant?

Lorenzo Soccavo: Web 2.0 has already changed our reading behaviors. These mutations are now migrating to devices connected as smartphones and Internet tablets like the iPad. We are entering and probably in a phase of capital editorial content of the Web. And on reading, because we could already distinguish at least three trends: - A closer fragmentary corollary of enriched reading: reading becomes less linear and more broadly, beyond the text, it 's Opens at Multimedia ... - A reading called social corollary of the development of social networks: an annotated reading, shared on social networks, enriched by writing readers contributors ... - A reading connected corollary development cloud computing: streaming playback on the model of listening to music. "

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Beatles Paper Plates And Napkins

Blog companion to the book Understanding Digital

The collection
Understanding Digital Paper I the pleasure of accompanying as collection manager for this year has now its companion blog dedicated .

This site presents the collection and its projects, but resumes also in its content the ambition of the collection: understand and analyze the challenges and opportunities of digital publishing .

Blog Collection and are thus intended for all those involved in the inter-book, broadly defined, but also to readers and viewers who want to understand impacts and issues portion of the printed edition to the digital edition .

Join our community on Facerbook :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blood Initiation Does It Start Tomorrow 2010?

McData The book to the digital

my pleasure 2 February 2011 to participate in the first McData this year on the topic: The book to the digital .

We talk about the enhanced reading and new forms of narrative, cross-media, participatory and variable, with Carole Lipsyc the Laboratory Section of the University Paris 8 and (subject) Bertrand Duplat Volumetric editions.

Practical information on the site Music and Digital Cultures . The
Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., free admission.
On the mezzanine floor of the House Steelworker
94, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris.

Webcast streamed on

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Re-tie Your Moccasins

Understanding Digital Transfer Paper

2011 begins well with the launch of the collection UNDERSTANDING THE DIGITAL BOOK NumérikLivres editions of Jean-François Gayrard Gwen and Catalá.
This collection has the ambition to try to understand and analyze the challenges and opportunities of digital publishing.
It is open to all players in the inter-book, broadly defined (authors, librarians, teachers, etc.., Are also involved), but also to all readers who simply want to try to understand the impacts and challenges of the transition from print publishing to digital publishing.
I am pleased to provide leadership in this new collection.

From Library library at Library sphere

I am also pleased to inaugurate it with a first book devoted to digital libraries, titled: "From the library to bibliosphère: Impacts books on digital libraries and their evolution "and a preface by Francois Bon.

Very interesting preface course. With François Bon this was no doubt. It opens avenues that I would be happy if I had explored before writing the foreword the book, which was also very curious: a preface written by the book, a book (of) after his own preface ;-) It shall therefore be a good complement to the book for future readers I think .

Excerpts from the foreword by François Bon

" In our small pocket machines are no longer carries a book but a library. And this library, we are building ourselves same either in the idea of preserving or safeguarding, we know that the universal library is everywhere and at all times available : It is history and the path of our research, our desires, and the arbitrariness of our findings.
So the place that collectively embodied the collection of books, and their survival time, the story of their genesis, the good health of their preservation, and the possibility that there is access, reinvents itself as a mutation in violent and richer than that which affects the object itself, which, for so long, lies behind the book.
"Understanding the digital book" is a strong title: because he does not oppose the new form (digital), the inherited form (the book), because it is this verb which wants to take, not just the user manual, but how we appropriate the new object.
So, what changes is read. Here the central verb, here the remoting uses.
This is where the work here presented by Lorenzo Soccavo is new and remarkable. All players digital book in recent history, have a debt to the man who was an early watchers - in terms of editing and publishing as well as media and materials - and a leading protagonists, with his book Gutenberg 2.0.
futurist books, what Soccavo Lorenzo, for this first intervention, was interested in the practice born of the library itself is a critical indicator: the digital reading public sees its task multiplied and reinvented its business. "

See also François Bon:" is the horror (the library without books) .

A seven-step course ...

In "From the library bibliosphère to: the impact of digital books to libraries and their evolution "I propose a run in seven steps:

1 - An easy to identify problematic
2 - Access and sharing
3 - Reconfiguration or reformatting?
4 - The Digital Library must be interfaced
5 - Google news Tower of Babel?
6 - bibliosphère global and neuronal
7 - It is impossible to conclude
and ends with these words, I am hopeful:

"If our report is critical in the world and reading, then all is books, the library is everywhere, and rest is history. "

From the library to bibliosphère presents a course that could be summarized as follows:

- Before 1998: physical libraries that contain books .
- Since 1998: physical libraries + Digital Libraries (digitized).
- 2011-2050: Libraries hub = 1 3 levels - physical library \u0026lt;=> 2 - Interface Digital Library \u0026lt;=> 3 - Virtual Library.
- Towards 2050 : Bibliosphère (Web-3D library semantics).
-? : The book can be cloned (duplicated) that contains all the libraries = hypervolume Borges?
-? : Readers transhumans which each contain a copy of the book that contains all the libraries.

Publisher 100% digital, NumérikLivres distributes its titles on all platforms, as epagine.fr immateriel.fr through which we broadcast on thirty virtual libraries, as fnac.com, feedbooks.com iBookstore and of course Apple.
We are also present on the Kindle Store and, starting in February 2011 on Android through the application of Orange Read & Go.

Collection Understanding Digital Book

Upcoming titles in the collection, usually on a monthly basis, will be spent: Reading Social BD Digital Textbooks and albums plus ...

What topics would you find in this collection? Prospective

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some Good Halloween Songs

Happy New Year 2011!

A Retrospective 2010 to celebrate the arrival of 2011 ...
A year of tracking the peregrinations of a few brides and that personal side, the organization of another marriage, that my best friend!
All my wishes of happiness, love and joy for this new year!