messages are scarce this summer, I make a break into the world of marriage yet. The latest one was memorable, but I feel drained! The wed'bloggeuse I was and I still will be back in a few weeks for new adventures wedding!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Leotards For Women In Chicago
Ethics Charter Consulting PLE
is also the implementation of this moral code that gives this blog its originality and editorial specific resolutely opposed, both parrots and commercial blogs.
Ethics is unfortunately now a hackneyed value. Notwithstanding
with PLE Consulting, I attempt to put into practice in my work, more than a set of principles of good conduct, professional ethics within a moral code.
For the future of books and reading really is my daily concern.
As strange or stupid or inappropriate, as it may seem for a consultant, my goal is not earn much money by selling wind (or applications), reformulating professionals to inter the book they themselves say and want to hear an echo in their revenue-peddle solutions that will be obsolete tomorrow.
Train informing
In the moral framework that I have of my own free will decided to apply in the exercise of my business consultant, the main tasks that I gives are:
- Bringing the sector stakeholders of the print edition, and publishing digital.- Inform all partners in the chain of printed books, authors to readers, issues of digitizing books.- Training professionals informing them, the aim being to give them a historical perspective and futurist just so they can develop appropriate strategies and sustainable, responsible, too.- Train by informing young people of the book chains, but also communication and advertising, marketing, management and mediation of cultural projects, design and engineering culture, on Publishing century. encourage vocations.
is also the implementation of this moral code that gives this blog its originality and editorial specific resolutely opposed, both parrots and commercial blogs.
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Friday, November 26, 2010
Quickbooks 2007 License Number Product Number
Richard Hell's novel version Millet against the beautiful digital optimism
The catchy title (Hell's novel), a bit commercial (but c is fair game), quite imperfectly expresses what it is and as the subtitle says happily: the 'Reflections on postlittérature .
C ar, and in fact I confirmed: "We have entered era postlittéraire, Assen rightly the author. A specter is haunting the literature: the novel has become so hegemonic that all the literature seems to reduce it. Kills the romance novel: the novel International, tasteless, no style, immediately translatable into English, or translated to English, the only purpose of a literature without another story that the game's simulacra, its plagiarism of its fake currency. .
C ette postlittérature is it fully comparable to the "World Literature" invasive (Millet, at the end reader further back in the roots of evil seems to me there), however it is expressed widely in all cases, these products printed and derivatives, which are not only global, but also, in my opinion Millet due to stress with this emphasis, anglicised, that is to say, in fact, Americanized.
D years my reading of this essay, which seems to refuse to be one, its shape, form and rhythm which are intended to marry more thinking and moods, that the structure of the page, the page printed, and thus closer to the flow line, and that all these verses numbered in the bottom could very well be "posts" blog, in my reading of "Hell's novel" So, I am attached to postlittéraire discern how this era was combined with the transition from print publishing to digital publishing. Obsession.
Clearly, the question I ask myself is: how the transition from print publishing to digital publishing would sign it, or he would participate, the apotheosis of what Richard Millet means and denounces postlittéraire like?
He gives us only a few tracks in this sense:
He gives us only a few tracks in this sense:
"The screens on which various read the novels are not a sign of possible survival of literature, but it can finish ad'en with the all-fiction to enter [my italics] the beyond novel. .
To think (with the share of optimism, hope in any case, this beyond the novel).
2984 from George Orwell
N it, it's not a typo.
Richard Millet recalls in his book, Orwell said that "the disintegration of language is a sign of political degradation, and this degradation prelude to totalitarianism. .
The futuristic novel 1984, not 1984 that called because Orwell wrote in 1948.
A u look transformations that we live or where we can be direct or indirect witnesses, I wonder if this very seriously cons-utopia (dystopia) would not be prescient (?). The to-come. In 2984?
I always read "1984" George Orwell's thinking of "Fahrenheit 451" (from 1953) by Ray Bradbury. (And I intend to reread "The Messenger" by Eric-Bürckel Blessing.)
Publishers want revenue?
T ll these reflections are close to my "Theory of the Five Rings" that I might soon be an opportunity to express once again here in a few days, I hope, a renewed relevance and sharp, incisive.
The stakes are far beyond the horizon to small to accumulate, and practitioners who see the short term without precise methodology, especially not of strategic vision in the medium and long term, will share responsibility, regardless of the future.
U not nice person told me recently that what the publishers want, willy nilly, passed today in digital, are "revenue". Implied, of the concrete, practical, metadata, DRM, ONIX and tutti quanti.
Notwithstanding, the double meaning of the word "recipe" is ironic I think.
On Hell's novel, Richard Millet
read, reading Cyril de Pins on Boojum -Mag. His conclusion: "Hell of the novel" could also mean "entertainment," entertainment, consumption, "bestseller", this last expression honestly say that it is no longer a question of aesthetic experience, but to commercial experience. Therefore, this one has the financial strength which determines the forms, the language of the transaction and the terms of the contract. "A
listen, recent interview with Richard Millet Laurence Plazenet the BPI :" Write, write, why? "
Hell's novel, Richard Millet, Gallimard, September 2010, 276 pp., € 18.90.
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Plasma Donations Centers In Orange County
From the fiery presence of reading and Hachette
The function of the book from us, readers, is dependent on our situation history. Dependent on the context and the evolution of the society in which we live, also dependent from the previous century financialisation processes of cultural industries.
not forget that since the decree No. 2009-1393 11 November 2009 concerning the missions and organization of the headquarters of the Department of Culture and Communication, books and reading are dependent, in terms of their administrative dependence and the granting of subsidies, a branch of media and cultural industries.
Formerly the book, in conjunction with the theater or opera, performed a number of functions, both in private and societal, one influencing the other and vice versa, functions filled, progressively, painting and the arts of illustration, the press, radio, cinema, television, and now largely beyond the internet and the internet onboard.
Irreducible vs. unpredictable and unavoidable
D the current year and any hypothetical (r) evolution of the book in late 2010, we would make from the irreducible (this would be irreducible in the reading), the unpredictable (what we can not foresee - the unexpected, or even predict), and especially of the inevitable (that we can not avoid). I ask
the question: what can we, inhabitants of the 21st century, we imagine what our ancestors thought, felt and lived, at times crossing the Ideographs alphabets, rolls to codices, publishing handwritten editing Printed ...
Despite breaking fruitful introduced by Febvre and Martin in 1958 in their "The appearance of the book," transhistorical dimension is too often absent from the development strategies of the publication, focused on short-term profitability.
The postures are and tools to write and read have yet over time was so different from ours. How the actors of the 15th century they received, compared to the rest of us, changes in the book? They lived in another universe.
go back further in time. Listen for a moment Pascal Quignard (Small treaties I): "I see another world. Scribe, in the Middle Ages in the West, in his frock, front pages of calves skinned, surrounded by his razor, his chalk, his stone pumice, its horns beef - red and black ink wells - of his spectacles, magnifying glasses, his knife to carve the bird feathers, its rule for the line. (Folio Edition, Page 398, XVII Treaty: Liber).
Also recognize that there are some historical distortions at least unusual: the Hundred Years War, for example, which opposed the dynasty of the Plantagenets to the Capetian House of Valois, and who ultimately had no such influence on European integration, however, is much discussed in history classes that the development of printing with movable type, whose influence was considerable and, in some ways, continues today .
historical representations conveyed by the time (all ages) deserve to be further interviewed.
A hus, we have evidence that historically the previous mutations of books and reading, such as those, precisely, the transition from scroll to codex, or, the transition from manuscript editing to editing printed, have their times, profoundly changed society, and they have impacted cultural but also socio-political, undeniable.
But we also know that today it is common and just see the impact that digital book, after you reconfigure the markets of the disc, Photo and video, to mention here that cultural property.
be or not be the ally of its gravediggers?
N assist us not so in fact, more or less unconscious and almost powerless, the sinking of the book in the entertainment market, and that of reading in social networks (read social) ?
This alleged history of books that we would be going through, and yet of course, for those who only read the book and still have some significance, does it really revolution today societal, cultural, or, would it just a tiny part of a broader revolution?
mutations that we feel in the book industry would not they that the effects of battering industries of electronics and entertainment, game lobbies and mobile operators, not now factors acting on the company and generating new practices of communication between members of the human community?
A oday it is the social networks that generate new practices of communication between members of the human community, not Moreover, as before, epistolary networks is the sharing of online videos that took over the movable type printing was driving on the roads of Europe and new America.
edition (digital, digital incidentally or accidentally? Partially or fully digital?) Of the 21st century thus appears to us in late 2010 as a giant puzzle to order, but whose plays "culture chart" and "written culture" would be pushed to the periphery.
"Without doubt this is [...], writes Henri-Jean Martin (in his concluding sentence of his book "History and powers of the written word" - Albin Michel, 1996), the mission of our generation understand that to our descendants that technical progress does not necessarily imply the rejection of ill-considered contributions from the past. .
Deciphering the world remains, at the beginning of the third millennium AD, the main clearing activity of the human species.
Ultimately, everything is still and all book. So to read.
Hence, what I call and feel as well: the presence of fiery reading.
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Monday, November 22, 2010
Marg Helgenberger Plastic
Google as thick as thieves ?
Along Gwendal Bihan, founder Leezam (publisher and bookseller, 100% digital), Xavier Cazin, director immaterial. Fr, and Marc-Andre Fournier (author hypermedia), I had the opportunity to give to Elizabeth Sutton portal IDBOOX , my views on the recent Memorandum of Understanding signed by Hachette Livre and Google.
Extracts from my point of view:
"It will be increasingly evident that the publishing market Digital will not be able to develop models of economic and legislative printed book. [...] First, with digital technology, the concepts of offline books, prints exhausted, stockouts will shatter. A virtual book can not be out of stock![...] It is clear, with this agreement, and the reaction of the Ministry of Culture, private companies and international organizations, driven by their shareholders, are determined to move faster than the institutional actors, and that they want to impose their laws to the trade association, both to booksellers and perpetrators.Moreover, it is clear that Google skillfully maneuvering to become the choke point of digitized books .It will probably be increasingly difficult for the French edition of a common strategy and speak with one voice. [...] Those who would exist alongside the major publishing and entertainment industries will have to innovate to leave the book scanned mastodons and invent new publishing models with new value chains. "
Read my entire point view and those of other stakeholders on the portal IDBOOX
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How Much Does Teeth Cleaning Cost At Petco
The French bookshop opposite the new paradigm of digital distribution
My article: "Book Market, the French bookshop opposite the new paradigm of digital distribution," appeared in the first issue of E-PaperWorld magazine, November 2010 ( online at this address ).
Written in March 2010, this "paper" (sic ;-) Today is a good opportunity to gauge the speed of transformations under way for some, gestation others in the book market and, unfortunately, to complain once again delay the new portal independent bookstore (even if it is obvious that this is not the initiative alone will save the library!).
"A profession to reinventHistorically, after the heroic age of manuscripts, the library began to emerge with the development of printing and Masters booksellers who assumed the duties publishers. Only after the fall of the Ancien Regime and professional corporations as the different functions of printer, publisher and bookseller separate.In 2010 he must equip the brick and mortar bookstores devices expensive to print on demand and downloads terminals, or facilitate the emergence of libraries pure players?We're not going to record stores in our download MP3 files.It seems that we are moving towards a mix of immersive web, cloud computing and augmented reality. The big brands are already working to virtualize their sales areas. Program: 3D modeling shops and integration bridges between city shops and online stores. Applications for iPhone, iPad, and other future reading terminals, are multiplying. Booksellers must be prepared.Once again the center of gravity of the craft could move , and it is not excluded that during the century, the duties of librarian and bookseller merge. The noble part of the book as a mediator would be preserved in a position of manager of reader communities.
Booksellers reagents
In this context booksellers react and seek to innovate. [...]In summary: the sustainability of the library is through regulation of the digital book market, which has been validated internationally and which falls within the current developments of trade in cultural property. It is not won.But a century ago, in 1910, the libraries held above the counter sales. Little to do with a library in 2010. While they will in 2110, in a century? "
( Read the full online ... )
PaperWorld E-Magazine is a free digital magazine 198 pages, subtitled" The Review of Books, Tablet PCs, applications and smart media ", and directed by Eric Ray and his team . To discover and read!
PaperWorld E-Magazine is a free digital magazine 198 pages, subtitled" The Review of Books, Tablet PCs, applications and smart media ", and directed by Eric Ray and his team . To discover and read!
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Getting Fitted For A Jockstrap
Seminar Digitisation of publishing at Master Field Marketing International University Paris-Ouest Nanterre
I'm having fun this weekend involving a morning with students of the Master of International Operational Marketing at the University Paris-Ouest Nanterre, on the topic: Digitizing publishing, transformations of the book market.
"With the transition from print publishing to digital publishing are emerging new consumption patterns the book. By "sustainable consumption" of the book is meant both the factors that lead to the purchase of a book, the terms of the acquisition practices of reading and its conservation.The book market has suffered from the early 2000s mutations at three levels (reading habits, reading devices, economics), modulated by effects of generational continuities and breaks, both players, as players the interprofessional, and businesses.With the digitalization of publishing the book market changes in depth. The main risk would be perhaps, that beyond these changes was apparently actually a more comprehensive revolution, which, after the markets for music, photo and video, that would impact the book without that the last backup until the last century was its identity and strength. Indeed, historically the previous mutations of books and reading, such as those of the transition from roll to codex, or, publishing ink to the print edition, their times have radically changed society, and had cultural implications, but also sociopolitical, undeniable.Today it is the social networks that generate new practices of communication between members of the human community, and not, as formerly, epistolary networks of authors and readers. Today is the online video that stands out as an accelerator of innovation, we could compare to that which was in the 16th century printing.So: the book market is it soluble in the digital economy? "
Digitizing publishing, market changes the book.
- General Introduction
- 1 - Disintermediation and new mediators
- 2 - Impact of generational continuities and ruptures
- 3 - Editors pure players in search of a new paradigm
- Conclusion
. Issues and prospects in the short and medium term.
. Theory of the five circles.
train and inform professionals of tomorrow!
With the digitalization publishing the book market turns into depth. So it is capital, not just training, but also to inform both professionals practicing today that the future professionals of the book, but also all those who are or may soon play active roles in the book market, digital or not, in the coming years.
That is why this first collaboration with the University of Paris West gives me great satisfaction and I am listening to all educational institutions or training, aware of issues of current transformations in the book and its market.
I'm going to have this year also pleased to speak with students of the EAC, which includes special schools in the fields of culture, art and luxury. I will come back soon on this blog ;-)
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Masterbation Encouagement
Review Printing Digital Sarzana and Jean Alain Pierrot in What
I ran the day it went online to purchase this ebook on the site François Bon. The topic, the authors, the publisher, all encouraged me to download.
Before I share with you, dear readers, my own impressions of these prints, I allow myself a few remarks on this act of purchase, these reflections, all personal and only my opinion, having do with this passage from the printed edition to the digital edition, which concerns us all, even our concern for some.
P irst point: when I buy a book from a bookstore or even a supermarket, I'm under no obligation to relinquish all my identity, fill in "my profile". I understand full well the requirement for this interface, as with other interfaces booksellers, including to secure online payment by credit card, you can identify the buyers. Notwithstanding, we all know, with Amazon, Apple, Google, et cetera, it is undeniable that our buying behavior will be more and more cards with the practices or derived from m-commerce (mobile commerce), called to develop.
D ECOND point: the book itself. On the book itself, I missed two elements at once.
The first is the back cover! I do not here retrace his history, we all know it has not always existed as to which we are accustomed today. There might be room for innovation here, simply and intelligently, for example, by placing an equivalent to the fourth form of a box at the bottom of coverage, or pre-coverage (?) Ebooks.
The second: a subtitle. I think that beyond the wit of the title, a subtitle was eloquent welcome, although for the microcosm cogitate on this orb, the authors' names are enough to get an idea, quite clear and engaging.
Finally, the presence of blank pages at the beginning caught my attention. What sense for a publication to be read on a screen or a tablet reading?
And then, of course, dematerialization plays his tricks. Without visual perception of volume, difficult to estimate a priori the number of pages and the average time that I spend reading.
For the rest, I recognize a good editing job, with no more shells than in the traditional print edition.
But getting back to basics ...
Continuity or rupture?
B lthough obviously I advocates a transhistorical dimension to the forward-looking approaches of the book and publishing, discovering, upon entry in a setting that to one side, those who see the digital publishing an "extension of the past," and another, those who see it as a "decisive break in the history of the printed book," I was rather charmed. I hoped for answers.
But closing the book (sic, for it was an ebook!) A few hours later, I only had additional questions.
Notwithstanding, it is clear objectively I think that this little test, line by line, line reflections whose relevance and style are undeniable, however.
I can also resist the desire, pleasure, to deliver here a small selection:
"We often feel that a Chinese wall between publishers and librarians. They benefit from the change to a Japanese screen. "" At the same time it restricts the scope of the book extends that of the digital work. "" [...] for some time, the future of digital book publishing and new forms remains hidden by the development of the book scanned and contraction of the printed book. "
" One thing is certain: the library will be most affected by a profound change, it can not manage alone. "" Previously, we bought before reading. Perhaps some will read before they buy. "" In any case, the homothetic copy appears as a transitional stage, probably necessary, but certainly not enough, and hardly deserves some attention. "And finally:"The digital designer is not in the copy he allows, but in his communication open. . QED.
M ais, if there should be one and only one reason to read this essay, it would certainly be relevant and illuminating for his retrospective analysis of Google's strategy (its first part: "Google and the Digital Syndrome ", with" The Four Ages "literary" Google ": The primary age: Google Print; Secondary Age: Google Book Search, The Tertiary: the draft comprehensive agreement; Quaternary Age: Google Editions).
A book that deserves its title!
D onc, let's be clear: all this seemed like a reflection, certainly interesting, but, for example, far less structure than that of Marin and Pierre Mounier Dacos in their book, "The electronic publishing "(The Discovery ed. Collection Insights, March 2010).
It feels right, throughout the trial of Jean Sarzana and Alain Pierrot, their real concern, what concerns them both, and this is precisely what, in essence, makes the interest of this reading Perhaps, and indeed the title of their last chapter: "The share of book paper," and what they express in the end as follows: "In what state the printed book he emerges from this cluster of problems? ".
An inventory, photo end 2010 of the print edition and face scanning with Schmilblick digital book that taunts. And this hope that keeps coming up, that the book could be digital eventually, could be a complement, not substitute, the printed book. Is this credible? Is this possible? As new reading devices installed in supermarkets between toothpaste and books and that the generation of 04-06 year begins (at home, at home, and only for certain it is true) to learn to play on iPhone and iPad?
Personally, I would, but, honestly, I do not believe it.
A first-class burial?
P erhaps the authors would not they have stayed with both feet and thought into this. Take a step backwards in the history of the book, to take two steps forward, raised hopes that But their introduction.
For only would this not, in fact, in the state, a first-class burial of the printed book?
I do not know what to think of these hesitations (starting with mine!), Nor how to understand them. I can not distinguish the voice of Alain Pierrot (which I occasionally am pleased to attend), that of Jean Sarzana (which I have crossed paths only once while we were working both a roundtable at Poitiers I think).
I also wonder what thinks François Bon, thinker and actor This (r) evolution of the digital book and now editor of this book accurate, this book in particular, which I think eventually as well enigmatic impressions.
And besides, that they answer all three to the question: "Is this a book? .
Clearly yes, and yet printed or scanned or digital in the sense of enriched, increased networking and whatnot.
I read a book, although I would have preferred to read printed and bound, rather than one of these tablets in some respects frustrating.
Anyway this is, I think, is a book that, in retrospect, a landmark in the uncertain times we are experiencing, or who simply happen, like a soap bubble in a sunbeam. As for everything else: the future will tell.
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Friday, November 5, 2010
Vitiligo Doctor In Calgary
TV does not win the digital book, answers questions
Sixth response, more relevant it sounds: the rustle conversations Germanopratins indeed some strange rumors that I am based. For example, some agencies audiovisual productions increasingly interested in digital books increased the book, etc..
Glad to note the launch of the small set of questions and answers Crouzet Isabelle and Sara Doke on eBooks, project that began on the occasion of the 12th Annual International Book Fair at Ouessant island last August.
six questions, which I give here only the sixth record (the others to be discovered on the site eBook ):
What are you waiting for a book? ...
What you will not find in a book? ...
What are you waiting for an island? ...
What you hate in an island? ...
What are you waiting for an eBook or electronic book reading light? ...
What you will not find in an eBook?
LS: Television, for me bludgeon the 20th century.
Sixth response, more relevant it sounds: the rustle conversations Germanopratins indeed some strange rumors that I am based. For example, some agencies audiovisual productions increasingly interested in digital books increased the book, etc..
The digital book of the years 2020-2030 will probably be so little to do with what we today call a "book", he might even, perhaps, that the two forms, book printed and digital books, coexist in time (?). Who knows?
last comment that inspires participation in this modest little game of Isabella and Sara on the bandage contains a photograph Nzo Babenco, my avatar in Second Life.
Second Life today seems exhausted. Rumours of a takeover by Microsoft appear regularly. Rest it has been and could again become a laboratory of the future for 3D web publishing professionals and its market, while the digital edition is required every day.
Via Nzo I remain present on Second Life and listen to the actors of the inter-book. Prospective
Paper & Publishing - Lorenzo Soccavo -
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Why Do Cats Play Patty Cake?
Thinking E-books economics of digital books, interview ULNmag
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Guillaume Dumoulin for the site of the Book Universe Digital, on the theme of the book Thinking the digital economy.
Extracts :
(Read the full here ...)
" As a specialist publishing industry and keen observer of the development of digital books, I like to hear your analysis mutation of the economic model of publishing deal with the arrival of ICT. How the industry's traditional paper book can it benefit from the development of the use of digital transmission of knowledge and creative works?
LS: I do not really define myself as a "specialist publishing industry." My activity is first to observe and reflect developments in the book and reading. Then I stand on these issues as a writer or speaker. Then I can also do practical advantage of the different actors of the inter-pound fruits of this work. It is then simply applying, adapting to the specificities of the book industry and its market, the prospective methods. The aim is precisely to develop possible new forms of socio-economic organizations, new value chains to implement development strategies that remain relevant in the medium term, given the acceleration that we observe in all technologies and uses. [...]
Given the multiplicity of offerings bedjackets digital formats for the books, digital locks, how can a reader wishing to explore digital reading can be found there? And finally what gains can be learned?
... .... ...
You spoke of "setting up possible new forms of socio-economic organizations, new value chains," what are these new forms of organizations, these new value chains? What role for stakeholders in the book paper, what place for pure players?
... ... ...
It is therefore to innovate, both in the editorial that forms in the proposed service to the reader. What are the proposals that seem most meet this need? Do you have examples of implementation in France and in the World?
... ... ...
Fnac has announced the release of FnacBook in November, Orange launches Samsung GalaxyTab service and sales of periodicals and digital books, Read & Go, do you that these initiatives will take off in a market still very confidential? The tendency of large groups wanting to invest in global offers you think she used the new book chain or she represents a threat to a cultural economy in search of a suitable model to the plurality of actors?
... ... ...
The Senate just passed the bill on the price of digital books uniqe, the law focuses only on the books called homothetic, do you think the legislature can intervene effectively in a market that is global? In the market paper books, independent booksellers have been able to remain competitive thanks to Bill Lang's book prices. What this law can it be used in a nascent market that seeks to do we protect? Do you not think that legislative work to harmonize VAT rates reduced the printed book to digital books would be more beneficial to the industry?
... ... .... "
Prospective Book and Edit - Lorenzo Soccavo -
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