The function of the book from us, readers, is dependent on our situation history. Dependent on the context and the evolution of the society in which we live, also dependent from the previous century financialisation processes of cultural industries.
not forget that since the decree No. 2009-1393 11 November 2009 concerning the missions and organization of the headquarters of the Department of Culture and Communication, books and reading are dependent, in terms of their administrative dependence and the granting of subsidies, a branch of media and cultural industries.
Formerly the book, in conjunction with the theater or opera, performed a number of functions, both in private and societal, one influencing the other and vice versa, functions filled, progressively, painting and the arts of illustration, the press, radio, cinema, television, and now largely beyond the internet and the internet onboard.
Irreducible vs. unpredictable and unavoidable
D the current year and any hypothetical (r) evolution of the book in late 2010, we would make from the irreducible (this would be irreducible in the reading), the unpredictable (what we can not foresee - the unexpected, or even predict), and especially of the inevitable (that we can not avoid). I ask
the question: what can we, inhabitants of the 21st century, we imagine what our ancestors thought, felt and lived, at times crossing the Ideographs alphabets, rolls to codices, publishing handwritten editing Printed ...
Despite breaking fruitful introduced by Febvre and Martin in 1958 in their "The appearance of the book," transhistorical dimension is too often absent from the development strategies of the publication, focused on short-term profitability.
The postures are and tools to write and read have yet over time was so different from ours. How the actors of the 15th century they received, compared to the rest of us, changes in the book? They lived in another universe.
go back further in time. Listen for a moment Pascal Quignard (Small treaties I): "I see another world. Scribe, in the Middle Ages in the West, in his frock, front pages of calves skinned, surrounded by his razor, his chalk, his stone pumice, its horns beef - red and black ink wells - of his spectacles, magnifying glasses, his knife to carve the bird feathers, its rule for the line. (Folio Edition, Page 398, XVII Treaty: Liber).
Also recognize that there are some historical distortions at least unusual: the Hundred Years War, for example, which opposed the dynasty of the Plantagenets to the Capetian House of Valois, and who ultimately had no such influence on European integration, however, is much discussed in history classes that the development of printing with movable type, whose influence was considerable and, in some ways, continues today .
historical representations conveyed by the time (all ages) deserve to be further interviewed.
A hus, we have evidence that historically the previous mutations of books and reading, such as those, precisely, the transition from scroll to codex, or, the transition from manuscript editing to editing printed, have their times, profoundly changed society, and they have impacted cultural but also socio-political, undeniable.
But we also know that today it is common and just see the impact that digital book, after you reconfigure the markets of the disc, Photo and video, to mention here that cultural property.
be or not be the ally of its gravediggers?
N assist us not so in fact, more or less unconscious and almost powerless, the sinking of the book in the entertainment market, and that of reading in social networks (read social) ?
This alleged history of books that we would be going through, and yet of course, for those who only read the book and still have some significance, does it really revolution today societal, cultural, or, would it just a tiny part of a broader revolution?
mutations that we feel in the book industry would not they that the effects of battering industries of electronics and entertainment, game lobbies and mobile operators, not now factors acting on the company and generating new practices of communication between members of the human community?
A oday it is the social networks that generate new practices of communication between members of the human community, not Moreover, as before, epistolary networks is the sharing of online videos that took over the movable type printing was driving on the roads of Europe and new America.
edition (digital, digital incidentally or accidentally? Partially or fully digital?) Of the 21st century thus appears to us in late 2010 as a giant puzzle to order, but whose plays "culture chart" and "written culture" would be pushed to the periphery.
"Without doubt this is [...], writes Henri-Jean Martin (in his concluding sentence of his book "History and powers of the written word" - Albin Michel, 1996), the mission of our generation understand that to our descendants that technical progress does not necessarily imply the rejection of ill-considered contributions from the past. .
Deciphering the world remains, at the beginning of the third millennium AD, the main clearing activity of the human species.
Ultimately, everything is still and all book. So to read.
Hence, what I call and feel as well: the presence of fiery reading.
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