Along Gwendal Bihan, founder Leezam (publisher and bookseller, 100% digital), Xavier Cazin, director immaterial. Fr, and Marc-Andre Fournier (author hypermedia), I had the opportunity to give to Elizabeth Sutton portal IDBOOX , my views on the recent Memorandum of Understanding signed by Hachette Livre and Google.
Extracts from my point of view:
"It will be increasingly evident that the publishing market Digital will not be able to develop models of economic and legislative printed book. [...] First, with digital technology, the concepts of offline books, prints exhausted, stockouts will shatter. A virtual book can not be out of stock![...] It is clear, with this agreement, and the reaction of the Ministry of Culture, private companies and international organizations, driven by their shareholders, are determined to move faster than the institutional actors, and that they want to impose their laws to the trade association, both to booksellers and perpetrators.Moreover, it is clear that Google skillfully maneuvering to become the choke point of digitized books .It will probably be increasingly difficult for the French edition of a common strategy and speak with one voice. [...] Those who would exist alongside the major publishing and entertainment industries will have to innovate to leave the book scanned mastodons and invent new publishing models with new value chains. "
Read my entire point view and those of other stakeholders on the portal IDBOOX
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