Monday, April 27, 2009

Bugatti Veyron Ka Engine Diagram

A 5 miles from Persepolis, is a hill where graves were dug four monumental crosshair. They are based on texts that cover much of their frontage to the tombs of the ancient Persian kings Darius I, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I, and Darius II, the same who built Persepolis.

Below them, several reliefs were added by a dynasty more contemporary: the Sassanid who ruled Iran in the 3rd century AD. Their main result of glory was to have defeated the Romans and took control of part of the Eastern Roman Empire. One of the largest frescoes relate to that event.

The third building is a Zoroastrian temple (the state religion during this period) or a sacred flame would burn forever. The building was built 2400 years ago.


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