In Iran, the Islamic dress is de rigueur for women (even foreign), and the "Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) are there to ensure the proper observance of this rule. However, if you imagine that the Iranian all are veiled from head to foot, you are very wrong.
is that over the years, they have demonstrated a limitless imagination to stay feminine. So the colorful
have gradually replaced the black headscarf, sliding inch by inch, sometimes not extend more than the bun on which it rests, and the tunic (to hide behind) has become too bent to hide anything.
. ... And here I am not talking about makeup (sometimes a bit extreme for my taste).
short, even after a year here, I'm still amazed see so many "letting go", especially in the posh streets of Tehran. ... Finally, an attraction to this city!
To go even further, one of the latest fads is to pass into the hands of plastic surgeons, mainly for a nose job (for whatever reason, they complexed above).
Thus we see more and more young girls (some men too) proudly wearing the new nasal appendage. Some are even in the ostentatious: the more they saw, the better! ... Unfortunately!
Well, finally ... last have found a solution: they are for a few days a piece of tape on the nose (just to say that they, too, they did), then at the lack of enthusiasm their girlfriends discovering this new nose, explaining that the change was only slight.
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