Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do The Nortenos Side With Bloods And Crips


I was said before leaving for Iran, "you see, spend the month of Ramadan in a Muslim country, it's great: there are decorations everywhere, and it's party every night."

Well I just spent my second Ramadan here, and I still do not see what I can tell much about it. The only thing notable is that all restaurants are closed during the day (it's a requirement under penalty: see link below). Apart from that, "Nothing."

I have not seen any particular event or decoration and there was no more agitation during Eid El Fitr (end of fast and feast day, or everyone should go to the mosque).

Well, like everything else in Iran, I guess it happens mainly inside houses and apartments, but still, what ... Quiet!

I do not really give any explanation for this "non-event." For some Iranians, it may simply be because they do not really follow (I see a lot to eat in their office, or even directly into their car), but for the other (more conservative) I do not know. This may be related to a difference of religion between Shiite and Sunni (Shia religious parties with their very own, tuning out perhaps other holidays of Islam?).

Here also a small AFP despatch on the subject (they really got all the cops here): http:/ /


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