Monday, April 27, 2009

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Press Review

past few weeks I try to read the official press Iran (the English), history of the news about the country where I live.
After each session, I tell myself that, really I am lucky to live in a country so wonderful when everything works perfectly while in France, there are "frequent street battles as the quality of life deteriorates every year "(it was for France yesterday, and I tell you what has been taken not Israel or the U.S.).

Anyway ... this is not where I wanted to come.

Yesterday, I came across an article in the "Company" on stress. I like how the book:

Briefly in French, it gives "the are people who believe in God are less susceptible to stress and anxiety. According to a study published in the journal Psychological there is a significant difference between the brains of a believer and that of a non-believer . The article finally concludes that believers " less stressed when they make mistakes . All this

puzzled me, and I asked myself the whole night full of metaphysical questions:
  • Was it really necessary to go open brain just for that?
  • Researchers have they really nothing else to do (while the larger problem of hair growth is still not resolved)?
  • If we had also analyzed the brain of a beer drinker recurring, it would he presented the same symptoms of insensitivity to stress,
And most important:
  • If believers are less stressed when they do anything, that he explains why Mullah n ' have no remorse about the way they run this country?


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